Part 11: Update X - Featuring: A Hero
Update X - Featuring: A Hero
Music: The Daily Grind

Nice nice★ Your first mission was a resounding success. I can't wait to watch you continue to grow★

Sheesh, Allie... I didn't think she went for the handsome men... She's got it all wrong... It's not about the face! A guy's butt is easily the best part!
Alright, let's go check in with Mio.
Music: A Place to Come Home
She spends a few seconds looking around for us.
I'm fine.

Liar. You look so beat up...
Are you worried about me?

Huh!? Y-Yes... I am worried about you, Opal... I mean, you look so beat up!

You've been fighting to help other people again, haven't you? Um, that's actually why I'm here today.

I don't want you to get scars... Here, I'll put it on for you. Just close your eyes...
Oh no, Mio's dabbing on us.

Umm, I think I put a bit too much on... B-But you'll definitely get better quickly now!
It actually helps, thanks Mio!

Do you really want to keep working with Allie and the others, even after all those injuries...?
That's my decision.

Decision...? I see... Even though it was just a request at first, you still had to choose to accept.
I want to protect everyone.

You haven't changed from when I first met you... You just go full throttle on everything...

That's it... You believe in yourself, and push on in a way only you can, Opal. I... I need to work harder, and figure out how to do things in a way only I can...


*cough* *cough* Hehe... Thank you, Opal. I'm going to go think about things a little more. Well, see you!

Just do what you gotta do and get to sleep already.
Music: The Daily Grind
We finally get our room added to the fast travel menu.
Our room is certainly fancy!
The Nagamimi doll is a bit of free DLC.
Occasionally people will leave a bento for us in our room, just like 2020.
...Thanks, Nagamimi.
Examining the Nagamimi doll will make your leader say a few random lines, with each voice option having different things to say.
I am not checking what each individual voice has to say. Even I have limits.
You can also chat with your other party members.
Look at the size of this TV! Nodens Unit 13 has it made compared to Murakumo's Unit 13.
And now we can finally go to bed.
Music: Destructive Curse
While we sleep, the ISDF are having a meeting.

However, the time travel device... That was beyond even my expectations.

They said the only way they'll hand over the Iod specimen is if we agree to a trade. Continuation of their research into the Dragon Chronicle appears to be their top priority.

The Dragon Chronicle... That fantasy's been floating around for almost 100 years now...
Does no one remember Hikasa? Or Takehaya? How the hell did the Dragon Chronicle get turned into some kind of urban legend?

Hmph... We can leave the dreaming to them. What humanity needs is the absolute power to fight against the 7th True Dragon. Our mission is to make that power into a reality. Yuma, was there anything of value in those ruins?

I hunted a dragon during our observation, but it wasn't even a suitable warm-up.

*chuckle* Impressive. Analyze and back up the battle data by tomorrow morning. Signs of the 7th True Dragon's appearance have begun to spread. The
3rd Invasion of Tokyo will soon be upon us. You understand that by that time...

Yes, of course.

Good. Tougo Yoritomo, Yuma Kisaragi! I hereby command both of you to station yourselves at Nodens! You will begin at 07:00 tomorrow morning! Your aim: a specimen from the 3rd True Dragon Nyala!
Oh, that's why the ISDF is willing to work with us. They want to piggyback off of Nodens' hard work and get their own Nyala sample.
Yuma could still effortlessly solo us.

Do what you must to appease them and gain access to that Portal. Even if it requires that you hand over the Fomalhaut specimen. That is all.

You should rest as well, Admiral. You're getting on in years.

Hmph, such impertinence...

By the way... what did you think of them, Admiral?

You mean the Nodens Investigation Team? Unit 13, was it...? Hm, it's rare to see you hold interest in others.

It's just, their combat abilities have improved drastically since the other day. But how...?

You will see with your own eyes. Our new post will prove difficult, Yuma. 12,000 years in the past...
Music: None
Music: The Daily Grind
The ISDF certainly aren't keeping quiet about this.
Maniacal Man: And that's an original ISDF combat shotgun! These guys are a goldmine for rare equipment! You can't see this stuff in training exercises!
They're already back, lady. You saw them like two days ago!
Even Mio turned up!

Apparently they're gonna be joining in on our plan from today onward. What a pain in the ass... They're over in the War Room now. Go and show your face before you hop into the Portal.
Construction is now available for the Reference Room Lv. 1.
Huh, that's extremely early for the Lounge. Normally that shows up in mid game.
Which also makes a bit of sense, really. With no actual threats in the present, Nodens can throw materials at luxury stuff like this without putting anyone at risk.
Nodens Receptionist: Although... that Yuma fellow is quite attractive...
But before we go meet our new coworkers: Talking.
By which I mean just her, everyone else I talked to had the same lines from yesterday.
And while we're here, we might as well check what the new construction gets us.
Music: Let's Get to Work!!
The Mind Booster was a late game accessory in the 2020s that heavily boosts Exhaust gain! We don't even have Exhaust yet and they're already throwing it at us! What the shit is this game balance!?
Welcome to VFD!
The other is completely useless in comparison.
Music: UE77 In Ariake

Honestly it's kinda off-putting that you guys accepted our demands. What's the catch?

Hmph... It's better to have options if we want to be prepared for the coming Dragon Calamity. I don't know what you intend on doing, but ISDF will decimate you if you plan on interfering. But more importantly, we both have access to new data. Seems like a fair trade to me.


OK OK★ Only four more to go!
Allie even waves at us. 
I like Allie.

Let me introduce them once again. This group is our ace squad, codenamed Unit 13.

Starting today, Nodens and ISDF will be collaborating in order to hunt the True Dragons.

There will surely be missions in which we get to fight side by side. I look forward to working with you, Unit 13.
Let's work hard together!

Work together, hm?

*chuckle* I didn't expect such a warm reception... I was worried you'd think of us as vultures waiting to steal your prey. This is quite a relief. I feel that we can become very close, Opal.
Don't get in my way.

How assertive of you.

Let us not be so cold to each other. We are not vultures waiting to snatch your prey. We are simply here in order to achieve greater military results, together...

*looks away*

*chuckle* It seems you don't like me much.

Our objective here is collecting specimens. As long as we get them, we won't get in your way.

Hmph... You'd better not. You'll have me to deal with if you interfere with Unit 13.

Now Julietta, let's stay amicable here★

Fine, fine. But don't expect me not to hold a grudge...

*chuckle* You're so strange. Come on, Nagamimi. Let's get this meeting started before a fight breaks out.

Yup. Let's do it.

It could be a miniature robot with some kind of specialized AI...
Not even the ISDF know what's up with Nagamimi.

I am the Almighty Nagamimi! Nothing more, nothing less! Don't you forget it!


Holy shit they actually salute them.
They know the pecking order, at least.

I suppose this kind of thing is to be expected in the entertainment industry.

Th-They're surprisingly quick to understand...

Gr... What rudeness. Anyways, moving on. Let's review the plan before this collab gets under way. First off, our target will be the 3rd True Dragon Nyala. Given that ISDF has the same goal, we will work together to collect the Nyala specimen. That specimen is the key here, got it? Don't let it just sink down to the sea floor.

I've expanded our transfer path selection by connecting to a new area in the same time nexus.

Julietta pulled an all-nighter making adjustments to the Portal★
You're amazing, Julietta!

Aw, you're making me blush~!

Our genius scientist is amazing, isn't he★
Can we please just go kill Nyala?

Hey now... People aren't gonna take a shine to you if you just rush into everything.

It's too early for you to fight Nyala! You'd surely lose.

Anyways, you'll now be able to go to the
Lower Ward Cladeon. That place is the foundation of Atlantis's prosperity. It's home to both miners and blacksmiths. There probably aren't many survivors down there, though. It's basically a monster den.

You'll be going there to gather information on the
Forging a Dragonslayer was an endgame goal in 7D1 and 2020-II.
Here we just... get started on it in the second chapter. We haven't even fought an actual boss yet.

The Dragonslayer...!? The Lucier used their extensive knowledge of smithing to craft a sword of the mythical
orichalcum. A special weapon designed to combat the True Dragons... That is the Dragonslayer.

I heard the former king Utrello used it in his struggle against the dragons. But it was lost when he fell to Nyala...

We know that already. Who said we'd be finding the actual thing? If it's really gone, we'll just have to make another. Sheesh, is stealing all you soldiers know?


What we'll need from you guys now is to find some pure orichalcum so we can make our Dragonslayer. We're also gonna need a
Lucier blacksmith who can help forge. If there are any alive, that is.

Defeating Nyala without the Dragonslayer will be impossible given our current military power. To make it worse, there's no way to craft the sword using modern technology and materials.

I see... It seems having the Dragonslayer will turn the tides of war drastically in our favor.

Then we too shall head to Cladeon. We'll be departing immediately.

OK OK★ Have a safe trip!

And make sure you don't interfere with Unit 13's work!

The Atlantis recapture plan will now commence!
ISDF Soldier: Yes, Sir!

But at the end of the day, soldiers are soldiers. You need to stay on your guard.

Julietta used to work in a lab at the American branch of ISDF. But he got into a fight with one of his superiors, so he got the boot. That's when I snagged him★

Eh, the past is in the past. Regardless, be careful. If you see them doing anything weird, make sure you report it to us.

Well then, looks like it's time for you guys to head out, too! Good luck, Unit 13!
Music: The Daily Grind

What comes next is the crucial part.

I expect greatness from you, Unit 13★

Don't put too much trust into ISDF. They'll do anything if they're ordered to. That's just how the military is. It's also how I am... in the bedroom~...
Julietta, could you chill for like 10 seconds?
His lines also don't change for what leader you have, so you could have him spout off these innuendos to the Duelists, who are actual 10 year olds, which would make Julietta incredibly sketchy.
Now to not do the plot. Not like we can have any tension to make us hurry when we have a time machine, after all!
Music: Let's Get to Work!!
More important are the oodles of sidequests we have!

He comes from a game called Super Blaster that was made by a company we bought years ago... Well, this request is from someone who wants an autograph from this Blaster man. Who would really want an autograph from a character whose game came out thirty years ago...? Anyways, you'll be able to find your client, Joe, on the R&D Floor.

This request comes from Researcher Ami... She'd like you to collect this stuff called Spiral Meat from a snail that can only be found in Atlantis... Anyways, Ami should be on the R&D Floor... She will give you more details directly. Good luck...
I'll just be doing this once to show it off, and I won't even clear it right away.

There seems to have been a large outbreak of Dragonsbane Seeds in Atlantica... We'd like Unit 13 to eliminate them. This is a good chance to accumulate EXP and SP! Ask Yui on the R&D Floor for more details. We'll be counting on you...

This request is from the Developer Ichi. He said he saw a strange girl in 7th Encount! He said she looked like an old member of the legendary Unit 13 from back in the 2000's! I'll need you to go check on that. It'll be very big news if it turns out to be true! Ichi's waiting on the Development Floor. He'll be able to give you more details.

This request is from Kazu, a Nodens employee. I think he saw someone wandering 7th Encount! If his word is anything to go by, she looked like a member of the legendary Unit 13 of old! I'd love for you to go find out! This is really important! Kazu's down in the Entrance Lobby. He'll be able to give you more details.

This request is from Hiro, a gamer. He claims to have seen a mysterious figure in 7th Encount! He said they looked like an old member of the legendary Unit 13 from back in the 2000's! This is massive news if it's true! We'll have to confirm the situation as soon as possible. Hiro's down in 7th Encount. He'll be able to give you more details.
The no requirements thing for all these Code quests are a fucking lie.
You'll see why soon enough.
Alright, first on the list is that Blaster Raven fellow.
Researcher Joe: l'll finally be able to get my hands on Ravens autograph... Kouta's going to be so thrilled! One of the heroes from a game my son loves called Super Blast is performing in the plaza. I wanted to go and get his autograph, but... I'm stuck here in the lab. They won't let me take any time off from my research. Could I ask you to go instead...?

Researcher Joe: Thank you so much! Here, have him sign this. Something quick and simple. I'm counting on you, Unit 13!
Now that we have some paper, we can go talk to the man himself.
...This is Blaster Raven?
...I love him already.

Earth Squadron, Blaster Raven! The! Hero! Is! Here! *chuckle* Yet again I have pierced the hearts of children everywhere... Oh, that paper! Could it be? Does a loyal follower want an autograph from the majestic Blaster Raven?


Understood, kids! Wait just one moment! Hm... Pen, pen, pen... What...? I-It's gone...! My pen is gone! Oh...! *ahem* Ah yes, that's correct! I loaned my Blaster Pen to a young girl in need just a while back. It seems she must have taken it with her... If you truly desire a Raven autograph, you must retrieve my Blaster Pen from that hasty girl!
Why can't you get it?

Blaster Raven does not have time to meddle in such trifling matters! There is evil afoot!
Leave it to Unit 13!

D-Did you just say Unit 13!? N-No... Now is not the time to be thinking about such matters!

I caught the faintest scent of pharmaceuticals radiating from the girl who took my pen... I suggest you investigate the Medical Floor! Go forth, Blaster Kids! Godspeed!
I'm honestly surprised it took this long for someone react to us stealing the name Unit 13, considering they saved the world and all.
Talking to him after this gets:

Hmm... Maybe if I...
Next time: You had to pay actual money for these.